We got another two COs at work today! Looks like my team is doing better everyday! Five done, fourty five more to go - I think Cyruss can start planning on how to ever-so dramatically pull the plug. For me, and I guess both Joyvn and Seah too, it's "pull then pull lo, we see how you die after that.." Ah well... we'll just do our best.
Went out with Poh for dinner - chatted what I would say a pretty fulfilling yet unfilfilling chat - got to know him better but at the same time, did not understand him better. Feel that he's hiding smth but well, guess he's not ready to share - complicated guy.
I walked home from Balestire (however you spell the name) after I was done sending him home. I enjoyed the walk. Alone. Quiet. Had time to myself at last. Watch the cars go by. Hear the wind sing once again. I didn't think about anything for once - the mind was at a state of "free". Surreal. Given our life styles, simply surreal.
When I got to Boon Keng, I wanted to skip a traffic light junction so ended up in the HDB flats. Got a little lost then realised I was walking towards von's house. Haha. I just walked - kinda like a rewinding tape to me - don't ask me why the example but ya, just came to me. So ya, walked past her house then carried on walking. Then suddenly, bumped into her. Haha. Not only is Singapore too small, we've got too little time to play around with also. Hehex. Permutate the minutes and the seconds and well, paths just cross. Interesting. Said hi, chatted a few sentences and walked on. *end of rewind and now, forward*
Slowly walked home after that. Chatted on the phone with Jiexin until Kovan. Took Approx. 1.5hrs to get home from Poh's house. Not bad. =)
Well.. feel like crashing now. Brain feels very heavy after the long walk.
Eternal memory engulfed by night,Yet thy soul still stands to fight.Truth be told and paths forebode,Life's mysteries come afloat.Know thy servant, know thy knight.Know thy master, know thy slave.Know thee, knowst not.So blood pulse banging breaks thy wallsOf laughter and drownsthe fight - will theeConsume me till surfiet?"Enough, no more" great Shakespeare cries,"Tis now not as sweet as before" thy Duke replies.Lear's folly, Lucio's lust,Macbeth's hate and Otthelo's wrath.Come to it,Come from it,Come away from it...Thy knowst not, soulmind or body.Thy knowst not,Folly.I doubt anybody will understand that. Well.. means a lot to me though. Been quite sometime since I wrote something like that. Roaw. Ok.. sleep... moody le.. =(